Now is a great time to learn more about barter, and MTA makes it easy for you and your business to get started.

Bartering is a simple easy way to bring new customers to your business. When you join Metro Trading Association, a new market for thousands of potential clients opens up to you. There are also thousands of local businesses ready to do work for you and your company, when you are ready to use your MTA trade credits. Our staff works to make trading easy among clients, in an efficient, easy-to-use and cost-effective way. We want to help you improve your business outlook and enhance your lifestyle.

Bartering is a simple concept: our qualified team of trade brokers will assist you in transforming your available staff-time and inventory into new sales. Those sales are turned into trade dollars that will buy you the products and services, your business needs while conserving cash. With that extra cash, you may be able to open a new location, hire additional employees or expand your current location. Just imagine the possibilities!

Barter doesn’t conflict or hinder your cash business; it enhances it!

Did you know:

  • Barter is equal to cash in improving cash flow.
  • Barter produces the same cash profits as cash transactions.
  • MTA brings you new business which generates new revenue and, at the same time, can allow you to have wholesale-like purchasing power where you don’t currently have a discounted line of supply?

“Now is the time to find out! The barter industry has a projected 800% growth rate in the next decade! Everyday more and more companies are profitably participating in Metro Trading Association. You should too!”

Michael L. Mercier